Monday, October 23, 2006

Ready or Not....

Well, I went to the doctor on Friday of last week and it looks like baby is coming soon...whether I'm ready or not! I am dilated to 1 cm (not much), but am 75% effaced and the baby has moved to a negative 2 station ( not much, but on the way).

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know. Love you!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Bennion Update

Sorry, I have no picture to post; we're not totally up and running in the electronics department yet. I just wanted to give a quick update, though.

We love the house. Little by little we are getting the last of the unpacking done. The kids couldn't be happier. Every afternoon we have all the neighborhood children running in and out of the house. I've actually had to change my grocery budget/shopping habits to support it. SOOOO worth it, though, to have them here. My favorite thing to see is all the boys running through the street wearing various costumes from our dress-up box (usually a mixture of Power Rangers, police officers, knights, and cowboys) and shooting bad guys, or each other, with their empty water guns. It is so cute.

Nathan has started both first grade and soccer. He loves them both. John and I went to Back to School night last night and met his teacher. She seems FABULOUS! She is very loving and seems to really know her stuff. We were blown away. We feel that we couldn't have designed a teacher more tailor-made for Nathan's personality. The school seems fabulous as well.

Katie and John are going to the Father/Daughter campout tonight. She is SO excited. Gregory is still Superman thinks we should name the new baby "Diaper Face". The baby is getting big (or at least my stomach is) and is very active. I'm trying to thoroughly enjoy my last few weeks of being able to sleep through the night. Work is good for John. He is busy, busy, busy, but enjoying it.

So, we'll get a poicture posted soon. Just wanted to give a little update.

We love you all,

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Steve Austin vs. Sasquatch

Anyone remember watching the Six-Million Dollar Man and seeing the episode where Steve Austin takes on Sasquatch? They wind up joining forces and working together. It has the freaky spinning tunnel that he has to run through? Here is a picture to prime your memories. Just wondering...

Monday, July 17, 2006

Just kidding

Ok, we have looked more closely at the office off of the garage. We think it would only actually work as a guest room if we didn't like the guests. So, please feel free to still come and visit, we will have an empty living room that you can sleep in! :)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A house!

We just placed an offer on a house and found out today that they accepted it. We are thrilled! It has a little office off of the garage that we think will work as a guest room, so come on up!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Something the Lord Made

THIS is a great movie. We recommend you watch it. Then you can post your opinion and there can be a dialog about it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Grandpa Merrell's personal history

So, I will shamefully admit that although I have read excerpts of Grandpa Merrell's history before, I recently sat down to read the whole thing for the first time.
It is incredible. I just wanted to pass along a great big 2 thumbs up recommendation to all.

Wedding Invitation

So we got our wedding invitation yesterday and it is beautiful! Fabulous picture & fantastic card. What a wonderful day it will be! Congratulations again!